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What is NLP?

NLP is a form of life coaching.  It uses tools and techniques to achieve desired goals or results.  NLP practitioners cannot make any diagnosis of mental health or illness, they work purely on getting results. NLP proposes that people are not necessarily "broken", but that they are working exactly as they should to produce the results they are getting - even if those results are not desirable.  If someone decides they do not like the results they are getting, NLP techniques and tools help individuals achieve the results they aspire towards.


NLP techniques work on the connection between our neurological processes, the language we use, and the acquired behavioural patterns we have, aiming to change them to achieve specific goals that you want.


For example, if you are:

  • lacking motivation

  • struggling to juggle the demands of training and work

  • feeling you have a poor relationship with a colleague or family member that is holding you back in either work, life or training

  • struggling with injury/setbacks

  • feeling out of control

  • struggling with competition nerves or anxiety

  • holding onto unhelpful insecurities such as your body image, or your financial status that are making you unhappy

  • or you simply want to do some work on yourself


NLP can help you explore and unlock your current circumstances to find a more desirable situation that feels more comfortable for you.  NLP does not dictate how anyone should act or feel; as practitioners we do not presuppose that we know what is best.  We work off the foundation that you have within you everything you need to achieve the outcome you desire. 


Confidentiality is highly regarded, and like any professional, we have a duty of care to report, within reason, any individual whom we believe to be a significant threat to themselves or others, under safeguarding regulations.


If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Miranda - she will be happy to discuss anything further with you!

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